May Day & Beltane…

Throughout history, we’ve celebrated transitions from season to season. Festival of May Day takes place on 1st May, halfway between the beginning of spring & start of summer. A celebration of fertility, freshness, nature’s renewal.

May Day has colourful, unique customs intimately bound to Gaelic & Pagan fire festival of Beltane. Originated from ancient Roman feast of Floralia, honouring Flora, the goddess of spring & flowers, as she graciously returned to earth, brought barren fields back to life with generous touch, healing energy.

People emerged with newly budded green boughs, flowers in bloom. A tree was felled, resurrected as a May Pole to twine ribbons with love, dance & sing. Homes decorated with bright, charming foliage to attract the blessings of earth.

May King & May Queen represented fertility gods & goddesses. Beltane – a festival of fun, frolic, fire. Beltane bon-fire not only blessed, brought good luck. Jumping over a Beltane fire, burning wood, dried herbs invited an auspicious time.
May Day & Beltane celebrates passion, playfulness, peace as the weather grows warmer, the world grows greener. We can creatively decorate homes with flowers, candles, a meal made with garden produce. A wonderful chance to mark the end of winter’s darkness, ruminate on what light-filled days may bring.


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