Sea turtle…

Over the last 200 years, human activities have made Sea Turtles vulnerable to extinction. Sea Turtles face threats from poaching for their eggs, meat, skin & shells. Habitat destruction, plastic pollution in oceans, accidental entangling in fishing nets, trash on the beaches, oil spills also cause their deaths. 6 of 7 sea turtle species are classified as threatened, endangered or critically endangered. A 90% population decline of a species of Sea Turtle called Leatherbacksthe largest sea turtle, weighing up to 2,000 pounds.

Sea Turtle Conservancy – Donate & Support For Awareness

Sea Turtles are a fundamental link in marine eco-systems as they help maintain the health of sea-grass beds & coral reefs, provide a healthy habitat to marine species, food for animals both on shore & at sea. In the sea, they carry algae, organisms eaten by fish & shrimps. On shore, as Sea Turtles nest & hatch eggs, they improve vegetation of beach dunes by giving essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus & potassium. According to Sea Turtle Conservancy, if the Sea Turtles went extinct, both marine & beach life would be negatively affected.


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