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Email: Try hard at work but feels like it’s going backwards. (US)

Sometimes, all of us feel the same way. Me, most of the time! An analogy of bows and arrows. To shoot an arrow accurately, we need to pull bow-strings back. Right levels of tension propels arrows to targets. By pulling back bow-strings, we learn to let go of negativity. “I’m a little low, but I can pull this off.”

Disillusionments, disappointments are necessary. Makes us really take a step back to reflect, re-evaluate, refresh, restore. Stimulates series of precise movements with discipline, laser focus. Speed is not an archer’s friend. Generally, we’re always in a hurry. Good archers slow down to assess, plan how to achieve goals, make micro-adjustments, practice consistently. Small details make all the difference between expertise and mediocrity. Small steps, personal responsibility brings success.

We can’t expect each arrow will hit bulls-eye. Many factors affect our shots – winds, obstructions, unsteady hands. Pick up the arrow, draw it back, shoot again. Archery teaches there’s no room to quit, a need to learn new techniques. Persistent, passionate, positive self-belief, self-motivation is key.

Find a bow that perfectly fits! Want to learn archery, hopefully sometime soon.

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