
A polite disclaimer:

  1. Ideas shared are humble perspectives only, one of many possible thoughts
  2. Posts aren’t targeted at specific organisations, groups, people, cultures
  3. Organisational references are for illustrative purposes only
  4. Blog welcomes constructive feedback, suggestions for improvements
  5. Blog’s ethos – passionate, purposeful, playful, positive, peaceful
  6. Blog prefers clear, specific requests that match it’s spirit, scope
  7. Blog isn’t seeking advertising, cross-reference links, co-authors right now
  8. Blog & personal life are separate entities. Author’s identity is anonymous
  9. Frequency of posts, responses is based on time, effort needed per day
  10. Blog is simply a creative platform – a passion, purpose pursuit 
  11. Blog doesn’t entertain religious, political queries
  12. Blog has an unbiased position on race, class, gender, sexual orientation
  13. Art, music, photography, videos are a selection of publicly available data
  14. Answers to queries sent by email will only be available at the blog
  15. Blog offers only email, facebook as a form of interaction

Please direct all queries, feedback at curious.creatively@gmail.com


Appreciate understanding, support.

345 thoughts on “Disclaimer…

  1. Pingback: Music for peace…
  2. Pingback: Nature books…
  3. Pingback: Beautiful lakes…
  4. Pingback: Fireflies…
  5. Pingback: Phillip Glass…
  6. Pingback: Steve Reich…
  7. Pingback: Tao Te Ching…
  8. Pingback: Placid…
  9. Pingback: Gandhi…
  10. Pingback: The book of joy…
  11. Pingback: Becoming…
  12. Pingback: 4 seasons trek…
  13. Pingback: The Amazon…
  14. Pingback: Slave monkeys…
  15. Pingback: Bridget Riley…
  16. Pingback: To be warm…
  17. Pingback: Drive…
  18. Pingback: EQ…

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